In March of this year, we highlighted how the UK department store, Debenhams illustrated their commitment to diversity by launching an advertising campaign for a new fashion line featuring models of various shapes, backgrounds, and abilities. We’re thrilled to see Debenhams breaking fashion protocol again. This time, the department store will feature their models in all their natural beauty – without the use of Photoshop.
The campaign features the store’s latest swimwear line on photos of models sans airbrushing. To drive the message home, Debenhams will post digitally enhanced photos alongside the untouched ones with the message:
We’ve not messed with natural beauty; this image is unairbrushed. What do you think?
Here at Adios Barbie we think it’s long overdue and we’re not the only ones. Debenhams also has the support of Liberal-Democrat MP Jo Swinson, co-founder of the Campaign for Body Confidence:
More and more people are realising that airbrushing and other trickery are not necessary in order for women to look beautiful. I am sure that what this will demonstrate is that swimwear modelled by real women who have not been retouched can sell just as well as products advertised with extensive airbrushing, which has become the norm. Women can feel good about themselves knowing that beauty is not about achieving the unachievable.
Beginning this week, the department store features their real beauty (aka no airbrushing) campaign at their flagship store on Oxford Street. If consumers respond positively, we can expect to see all of their stores following suit. Be sure to let them know that they’ve got your support. Your voice can make a difference.
Read the full story at the Daily Mail here.
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Debenhams Department Store: Bona Fide Diversity
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